Applying sugar coats and films on the tablets demands some expertise and the operator needs an effective layering pan. The pan is round in shape and the baffles that are to be blended reside on the central portion of the container.
For achieving the best coating outcomes, you must acquire equipment from the best coating pan exporter. Besides its solution tank and Peristaltic tank, the coating pan needs to be equipped with an efficient spraying system.
A pH sensible polymer is utilized for creating a safety layer around the tablet core. It gets disintegrated at a point in our stomach when its layer reacts to the pH increase and the drug is released.
The coating is delivered to cover the actual odor or taste. Being an efficient coating pan manufacturer, Indiatech Pharma Exporters has prepared a pan to deliver the coating in exactly the right manner. The coating thus delivered will protect the active agents from the acid residing in our stomach.
The baffles need to be filled within the pan. Our spraying system showers the coating material in a rotational motion. We are obligated to follow the best of technologies while developing the rotating pan to ensure a smooth processing of materials at the clients’ end. You can apply variable speed for rotating the coating round pot inside. Simultaneously, the hot-air blower inbuilt system can supply hot air for rapid drying. The hot air distribution is even to ensure that the surface is smooth and solid.
We at Indiatech Pharma Exporters understand the necessity of a conventional coating pan for developing pills and tablets bearing sugar coating. We have proven ourselves as a go-to coating pan supplier for a host of industries including food and confectionary besides being associated with some renowned pharmacies. Besides being used for heating the medical ingredients, our coating pan is now used for heating a wide variety of seeds, nuts, and beans.